Welcome to the first blogpost from Ms. Cole's class for the 15-16 school year. Here you will find pictures from our learning experiences, presentations, interviews and community engagement. Feel free to leave a comment or ask a question and one of the student's will answer you!
We have been in school for 9 days and have already finished our first chapter book,
Frindle by Andrew Clements.
Frindle is a book that both the student's and myself enjoyed. I really want to find books they enjoy reading-and they sure enjoyed this one. Our test is on Thursday! Good luck, kiddos. You'll do great!
We have started our garden. Enjoy the pictures below of us cleaning up the garden and watering our plants. We currently have white beans, spinach and sweet potatoes planted. We will soon plant swiss chard and kale. Having an appreciation for food you have grown on your own is extremely satisyfing and rewarding. I look forward to watching their garden, as well as their minds, grow.
preparing our garden |
getting rid of the weeds |
hmm...what to do here? |
beautiful view from our school |
help from another class |
our students-minus 1 |
Our Social Studies unit is currently studying early Native Americans. We are getting to know the word indigenous and why we use that word to describe Native Americans. The students get a kick out of saying the word. We have looked at tribes from all over the US and have researched a handful of the main ones. We have gathered information on how they lived, their culture, land and food. They compared and contrasted 2 tribes and noticed that most shared many commonalities. A field trip is in the works to go to Bandelier National Monument so the students can see first hand how the Native American's used the resources around them to live. We need chaperones. A valid background/fingerprint scan is required-please let me know if you are interested; we'd love to have you.
Well, that's all for now. Don't forget to drop on by another time and see what we're up to in Room 407.
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